Top 5 Tips to good vibes only!
Did you know that it’s important to keep your vibrations high? Your mood, energy levels and attitude towards daily life will all benefit greatly by integrating these tips into your daily grind!
Smile! Even when you don’t feel like it, force it. It’s like the magic elixir that can change your day from ‘shitty’ to ‘not as shitty anymore’, to “I got this”. So get off your butt and go and look yourself in the mirror and give yourself a toothy grin. Smiling can raise your vibration and it’s actually proven to lift your mood, and sense of self-worth instantaneously.
Carry some mood uplifting crystals on you like citrine the ‘happy’ stone, rose quartz the ultimate stone for love and compassion, and clear quartz for maximizing these qualities.
Get outside and into nature’s playground! Nothing beats fresh air, grounding and being close to nature - it is literally Mother Nature’s way of keeping you well in - mind, body and spirit.
Take some deep breaths. That’s right, just breathe. Everyone reads about it. Have you done it? What are you waiting for? Take ten deep breaths, or whatever you can manage to squeeze in. It will reduce stress, raise your vibes, and calm you down if you’re in a mood. Breathwork restores balance and connects you to your higher self.
Be grateful. Think of all the things you have in your life to be thankful for, and you can literally feel your vibrations rising. We all are truly blessed - we just have to open our eyes to what we HAVE in our lives instead of focusing on scarcity. Learn to live from this perspective by starting each day with your list of things to show gratitude for and I guarantee things will shift for you in a positive way.
Have an aweome day xxx